Career Counselling session

Woman attending a career counselling session

Location of my Career Counselling session

Chris can organise a session by MS Teams, telephone or in-person. The session can take place at the office in Beaumaris, or at another location by request.

Christine Wood Careers & Pathways Coaching provides Professional Career Counselling services in the Bayside area of Melbourne, and in the surrounding suburbs of South-east Melbourne.

Chris has experience working with adults who wish to change their careers, apply for more senior roles, or recent graduates and high school students who are beginning their careers.

How do I organise my first Career Counselling appointment?

Go to the Enquiry page to make your initial enquiry. We will get back to you within 24 hours.

Chris will contact you by phone, or email to organise your appointment for the Introductory Careers and Coaching Session. Chris will ask you a few questions to find out what your hope to gain from career counselling and answer any queries that you may have.

We will send you a detailed Careers questionnaire to complete by email before your first appointment. The questionnaire will help Chris to undertake suitable research and prepare for your first session.

Payment for the first session is normally done by bank deposit and Chris will send you a receipt. Further sessions can be paid on the day by Credit card.

Your first Career Counselling session

You may not have had a Career Counselling session since you were at school. Career counselling for adults is more in depth and tailored to your individual needs.

The Introductory Career and Coaching Session is normally 1.5 hours. Chris will use the information in your questionnaire to start the session.

You can bring along your laptop to take notes and look up links together during the session.

The session may include:

  • identifying your transferable skills, strengths, interests
  • how to manage any barriers to achieving you goals
  • a formal career assessment (if requested)
  • finding suitable study pathways, entry requirements and the application process, if you are planning tertiary study or training
  • suggestions of alternative career options that you may not be aware of
  • a review of your resume
  • planning your job search strategy
  • developing your interview skills
  • providing advice and guidance to help you update your LinkedIn profile and other Social media accounts

What Happens Next?

After the Introductory Career and Coaching session, Chris will send you a detailed report of the issues discussed in the session. This will also include recommendations and links for you to undertake further research.

You are encouraged to complete some investigation, or ‘homework’ tasks in between sessions. Clients can also ask questions, or request further information or clarification.

Chris can provide on-going coaching, or career sessions (weekly, fortnightly or monthly) to keep you on track and motivated to reach your goals. Most people require four, or five sessions, until they feel confident to move forward by themselves. However, this is up to you to decide.